Becca McCoy


Doing “Menopause The Musical” on a national tour

Becca McCoy Becca McCoy
represented by ATG

This month, we talked to actor Becca McCoy, a wonderful actress performing 12 weeks in Reno on a national tour. We catch her in Reno where she is doing “Menopause The Musical” at the Eldorado Hotel Casino, with performances each night except Mondays.

What is the show about?

It is the hilarious celebration of The Change, performed as a 90-minute one-act with over 20 parody songs from the 60's, 70's, and 80's exploring the symptoms and challenges of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, mood swings, and more, with humor and a sense of commonality. MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL is in its 10th year of being a world-wide phenomenon.


What is your most exciting scene?

I have several really fun moments in the show, that utilize comic timing for one-liners and / or physical comedy, particularly the one when my character needs to read a cafe menu without her reading glasses... The most exciting group number is the "Beach Boys Medley," where the 4 women bond together over the benefits of antidepressants while playing air instruments. And, of course, the big exciting moment in the show is the "reveal" at the end of the show of the 4 women in their finale dresses!


What is the experience of doing a show away from home for a long time and what is the impact if any on your family?

I've worked out of town many times, and it is something I enjoy. I like seeing new places, and staying somewhere for a little while (longer than a tour stop-over) gives you a chance to really discover its charms. The key is making actor housing feel like home, and getting out to explore. Well, on this gig because I'm here for so long, and my daughter has not yet started school, I have her with me. She just turned 5 a week ago, and we had a party for her in actor housing! My husband and parents came to help us make the day as special as possible for her. It was ultimately easier for us to get a babysitter to cover shows here in Reno than to have a full-time nanny situation back in Chicago. But it means she sees her dad by Facetime, and I don't have the luxury of sleeping in after a long day with multiple shows. While it poses some challenges, it is an incredible blessing to have a long employment stint with a production company that is totally supportive of my family situation.


How do you like to have to do a lot of promoting in Reno?

The promotional events in Reno have been really cool. We sang at the First Thursday event at the Nevada Museum of Art, on a rooftop stage with the Sierra-Nevada mountains behind us. We go on radio shows a lot, and here in Reno, we did an appearance on talk radio where we chatted for almost 45-minutes, and a different radio spot recorded in a studio before a live audience. And we had an interview with the food writer of the local paper who is writing a compilation article about us, and the show, and the restaurant we were at, all tied together by the restaurant serving food that is believed to have benefits for the relief of some menopausal symptoms. We were photographed while we ate, and interviewed while drinking alcohol, so it will either turn out incredibly cool, or prove a recipe for tragedy.


Any funny moments?

The show is being performed in a casino, and people are encouraged to drink. MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL also tends to target people who are not regular theatre-goers, so moments of impromptu "audience participation" always keep things interesting! But for me, on stage, my funniest moment was a lyric struggle where I suddenly wanted to sing the original lyrics and came up with a blend of original and parody lyrics that made no sense. Luckily, two other people were singing at the same time, so I wasn't completely exposed!

You are an experienced stage actor. How can you are able to deliver a fresh performance night after night?

I've done long-runs before of the same show, and believe me, shows like this keep themselves fresh. You take the stage every night in front of people at various levels of inebriation, various reasons for having come to the theatre that night, and they typically are looking to have a good time. No one walked through the doors mistaking it for Brecht... It isn't like being in a rock concert, it has a certain expected level of theatre decorum, but the audience is there to have a gooooood time, and the variance in their energy night to night naturally keeps us fresh.

Finally any interesting tidbits you can share?

I keep active on social media during gigs like this, and you can like me on Facebook at or
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